Once again we survived a season and what a season it´s been. We workedd alot with the whole kennel and all dogs did great. We also where abel to do some racing in betwee. Now its time to say goodbye to the winter and switch over to the summer before we can start a new season with some new adventures.
What have we been working on?
So we worked the whole season in Rovaniemi at Bearhill Husky tours. At the beginning of the season i was kind of worried that can we actually pull this off whit the training that we had done last fall. But it´s still blows my mind how well the dogs did and everyone was allways happy to go running. It also helpped that i got tu run my teams myself the whole season, so i cuold cheack every dog out the whole season. It was also good training for the dogs and we got pretty good distance on the dogs through out the season.
Race to the finishline!
This season we runned 3 races, in januray the Lapland Quest, in march the Finnmarksloppet 600 and in april the Pasvik Trail. In Lapland Quest we runned a 10-dog team and we runned a good race and got 4th place in a good field of teams. I´m still amazed with how well the team did couse we only did a short training run before the race and the race it self was a "training run" before our main race in march. In this team we started and finished with Moonshine and Rondy as leaders and other eight dogs where Sulo, Miranda, Hissu, Honey, Pelle, Trevor, Capitano and Jack Daniels.

Kim and the team comming in to cheackpoint Ritavalkea at Lapland Quest sleddog race
In march it was time for our main race, the Finnmarksloppet 600km. We made up a good schedule for the race and we cuold adjust the runs according to possible issues. We runned a almost perfect race untill karasjok where we decided to end our adventure in the norwegain landscape for the well being of our dogs. The run from Alta to Kautokeino was a long but nice run of 170km, so we stoped for 4 hours on the trail to have a rest. In kautokeino we had a bit longer rest there couse we where ahead of our schedule in to the chackpoint. From Kautokeino we headed towards Jergul for our first mandotory rest of nearly 8 hours. In Jergul we had our time adjusted to the starting times and the whole race started all over again basiclly. Due to a sore wrist we had to leave Honey behinde in Jergul for the future so we dont get any bigger issues. Going out from Jergul the trail got changed so we did river miles from Jergul all the way to Karasjok with a stop at chackpoint Levajok aprox. 120km from Jergul. This run we also decided to split up into two shorter runs and camp out on the trail. In Levajok we had a 4,5h rest before going out towards Karasjok where we had to scratch for the well being of our team. But we will for sure be back at the Finnmarksloppet in 2025. Also on this race we learned alot, how to run a race according to our training and make a plan based on what we want to do. We runned a perfect race accoding to our schedule untill Karasjok. We will take all what we learned to next season and improve our team. In the team for this race we had 8-dogs, Moonshine, Rondy, Miranda, Hissu, Honey, Jack Daniels, Trevor and Capitano.

Allright Racing´s team at the start of Finnmarksloppet 600 in Alta
Pasvik trail in april is a spring tradition allready, this was our 4th time running the race. Its a nice way to end the season with a bang, and with a bang we sure did end it. We runned a team in open class with 12 dogs and we once again hit our schedule. From Neiden to Vaggatem we had the fastest time in open class, on a leg that is mostley up hills and probably the hardest leg on the race. In Vaggatem we had to once again leave Honey behinde due to some limping after the rest at the ceackpoint. So we went out towards the finishline with 11 dogs in the team. This run we also did with the fastest time and we got to Svanvik across the finishline in 4th place. We also had the chance to stay with our team at our friends house and kennel in Svanvik, big thanks to Stefan Falter for the hospitality.
This season was good for our team, eaven though we did not finish our main goal the Finnmarksloppet. We learned alot and we will take all this to improve our skills and make our strong team eaven stronger. Something we want to do more next season is camping trips and also have the chance to do some shorter training run during the work season to. Going in to next season we have pretty good idea of who is in the race team and whos not, we got some new starts this season in Naali, Nikolai and Shira. Also Fur Rondy got to show off what shes made of when she finished Lapland Quest in Lead.
After season "Party"
When the race season ended in Pasvik Trail we got back home and then we started doing the best thing spring can offer, puppy runs! This spring we had 6 puppys whom we stared harnesse breaking for next fall, we also have 4 younger ones who are still a bit to young to go out running with the team so that means we will have a fun start to our fall season :D This spring we got our oldest pups Lager, Ipa, Molly and Fritz as also our younger ones Dante and Daltom running.

Dante (out of Mora x Jim Beam) learning from Pelle next to him.

Dalton (out of Mora x Jim Beam) next to Trevor
Summer break
So after an amazing season its time to switch to a summer break, what does summer mean at our kennel? Well for now Kim is back home south with his family and the dogs are taken well care of by his parents in Rovaniemi. As soon as all the snow melts away we will start our summer projects, as we need a couple of more kennels to fit all our youngsters in to the kennel area too. We might also have a few older dogs seeking there retierment homes but that we will post about more later as we get things sorted out first. Summer aslo means that the dogs will get to "rest" and just enjoy laying in the sun and taking it easy, sure we will also do free running in the kennel and get the dogs to play around with each other. But for most of the summer we are just going to recharge our batterys so we are in full swing when fall hits us in 3 months and we can start training once again for next seasons adventures.